Julio Barros

What is your name and where are you from?
My name is Julio Barros, from Porto Alegre, Brazil.
When did you join the ACTG?
Why did you get involved with the ACTG, and what are some of the things you’ve done as a member?
I joined the ACTG because I saw a need for community participation in clinical research.
Describe your community.
My city has the highest incidence and prevalence of HIV in the country even though access to healthcare is universal and HIV treatment and medicines are free. Unfortunately, there are no prevention campaigns.
What are the most important treatment issues to your community?
TB treatment
How do you want your work in the ACTG to be remembered?
I want my work to be remembered as part of a global effort towards finding a cure for HIV.
What are your future hopes for the ACTG and HIV research?